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Berikutan pengumuman terbaru mengenai Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Penuh (PKPP atau Full Lockdown), MEL21 terpaksa ditunda kepada tarikh yang baru. Tarikh ini akan diumumkan selepas tamatnya PKPP, atau sekiranya SOP terkini dilonggarkan.
Sementara itu, pendaftaran MEL21 yang julung-julung kali diadakan masih terus dibuka. Untuk mereka yang telah mendaftar, anda kekal layak bersaing di Liga Negeri MEL21 untuk merebut peluang menjadi wakil negeri di Liga Kebangsaan.
Kekal selamat dan game on,
Jawatankuasa Penganjur MEL21.
Due to the recently announced Full Movement Control Order (FMCO or Full Lockdown), the MEL21 will be postponed to a later date. This date will be announced once FMCO has ended, or when the current SOP is no longer in effect.
In the meantime, registration for the inaugural MEL21 is still open. To those who have registered, you’re still in the running to compete in MEL21 State Leagues for a chance to represent your state in Nationals.
Don’t forget to check ESI’s social media pages for the latest updates.
Stay safe and game on,
MEL21’s Organising Committee